


Higher education has been navigating the complexities of the digital information age for more than 20 years. 随着人工智能(AI)成为一股变革力量, 教职员工正在重新适应.

在过去十年中, 人工智能的发展一直在持续上升, 从而提高人们对人工智能系统的认识和使用.

“我们知道每个人都在用它,”半开玩笑地说 大卫Imhoof, 浩博体育app的历史学教授, “不是因为我们‘抓住’了它们,而是因为我们知道每个人都在使用它们.”

2024年在浩博体育app的职业网络会议上, nearly every student at the AI in the Workplace panel raised their hand when asked if they’ve ever used an AI platform.

皮尤研究中心调查了美国.S. 关于13至17岁青少年对人工智能的认识和使用情况(2023年11月). 该组织发现,67%的人熟悉ChatGPT, 可以说是最著名的生成式人工智能平台. 这些青少年中有19%的人说他们使用ChatGPT来帮助完成学业.

听说过ChatGPT的青少年, 大多数人(69%)表示,使用该平台研究新事物是可以接受的. The perception of acceptability declines when it comes to solving math problems (39%) or writing an essay (20%).

AI’s application in the classroom is fraught with ethical issues more complicated than just saying, “Alexa”或“嘿Siri”.”

浩博体育app’s Center for Teaching and Learning has tackled this topic head-on with a series of professional development sessions aimed at educating faculty on the mechanics of AI and how they can manage the use of it in their classrooms.

Susquehanna does not yet have a generalized, university-wide policy regarding the use of AI. 相反, Nabeel西迪基, 数字媒体助理教授和教学中心主任, 鼓励教师根据自己的课堂制定自己的政策. 为 阿曼达·莱尼格,07年, 系主任,平面设计副教授, 这意味着培育一种透明的文化.

“它现在是这个行业的一部分, so I believe our job as professors is to teach students to be discerning in how they choose to use AI and to be accountable for that choice,她说。. 人工智能在平面设计领域是一个优势. 正如Lenig所解释的, what once could have taken hours or days — let’s say creating a cardboard sword to be used in an advertising campaign for the television series Storage Wars, an example from one of Lenig’s assignments — can now be done in a matter of minutes through the AI tool in Adobe Firefly.


“如果任务是创建一个自定义或手工完成的插图, 那么用人工智能来制作插图就不道德了,列举原因. “If the assignment was to create an ad campaign concept and execute that concept visually where stock photography could have been a method, then using AI would allow the student to create the perfect image for their campaign in a much quicker turnaround time.”

莱尼格的方法被其他科学和人文学科的人所分享. 西迪基允许他的学生在一定程度上使用人工智能. If he suspects a student is relying too heavily on AI, he will consult with the student about it.

西迪基是什么, 他在教与学中心的职位, 不鼓励默认使用人工智能探测器, 它通常会搜索单词的重复,作为文本是人工智能生成的标志. 他说,这是因为人工智能探测器可能会有问题.

According to a 2023 article published in the International Journal for Educational Integrity, an evaluation of 14 AI-detection tools found them neither accurate nor reliable (all scored below 80% of accuracy and only five over 70%). 研究还表明,人工智能探测器对非英语母语者有偏见.

“The reasons a student doesn’t cheat isn’t because they didn’t have access; it’s because they found it ethically problematic,西迪基说. “当一名学生决定违反学术诚信政策时, 还有更大的问题正在发生, in which case it is even more important to be able to talk to that student to determine what is going on.”

而不是依赖检测器或完全禁止使用人工智能, 一些教师正在将人工智能集成到他们的作业中. 在大流行期间, Mike Ozlanski ' 05,部门主管和Allen C. 他是西格蒙德·韦斯商学院会计学副教授, 出于需要,他把考试和小测验搬到了网上. He has since moved back to the “old-fashioned” way of doing things — in class with a pencil and paper.

“我这样做是因为ChatGPT(在2023年1月)赚了, 平均, 这些评估的及格分数, 所以我需要一种方法来评估我的学生——而不是人工智能——对会计概念的了解程度,他说. “I’ve also received informal feedback from students that many prefer taking paper-based assessments.”


“I tell students they can use the tool to help them troubleshoot homework problems with the expectation they can still successfully navigate quizzes and exams,他解释道. “I also highlight that ChatGPT can create multiple-choice and true-false questions about course topics. 因此,他们可以使用ChatGPT来帮助他们准备这些评估.”

在另一门课上, Ozlanski shares copies of ChatGPT output related to course projects and asks his students to critique them.

“我们讨论了人工智能输出的优点和缺点. 然后,他们的工作是确保他们的分析比聊天更好。. ChatGPT可能是他们分析的起点, 但他们最终要对自己提交的作品质量负责, 包括来自可靠来源的准确引用.”

Ozlanski’s students must also acknowledge in their papers if they used AI as part of their analysis.

Anusha Veluswamy, 数学科学客座助理教授, has had the students in her 400-level artificial intelligence course predict incidences of gestational diabetes by running an AI statistical analysis on provided data sets. 她还使用人工智能辅助评分.

“I load my answer key into the AI platform and first submit a test exam to confirm accuracy,Veluswamy说. “The platform links directly to Canvas so students can easily submit their exams through a platform they are already familiar with.”

虽然他的任务不一定能“防人工智能”, Imhoof is and has always designed them in a way that would make them difficult to complete via AI.

“我做了很多非常狭隘的任务, 如果学生按照作业做, 对他们来说,在ChatGPT中输入一些东西并得到答案并不容易,伊姆霍夫补充道. “例如, I may ask my students to use specific documents to analyze an assigned topic because I’m less interested in their ability to gather information than I am in their ability to provide insight.” 

伊姆霍夫还通过他的《浩博体育app网站》课程将人工智能引入课堂. 在这, 学生们使用ChatGPT来帮助他们思考论文的某些部分, 但不是为他们写的. They also learn how important it is to submit the most appropriate prompt to a generative AI platform to receive the information they seek.

“We explored different ways ChatGPT could explain the process of decolonization — like a graduate student would, 就像一个15岁的孩子, 就像单口相声演员那样,伊姆霍夫解释道. 不用说,他们特别喜欢最后一个.”

在《浩博体育app》, 约瑟夫·莫兰特,21岁他是彭博社(Bloomberg)的数据分析师 罗伯特·马斯特斯20年, a solutions analyst with Deloitte, spoke with students about the use of AI in the workplace.

Morante强调了围绕AI的各种误解, 尤其是对失业的恐惧. He and Masters pointed to various career pathways that he believes will be created or expand with the growth of AI, 从编码到软件设计再到提示工程.

“任何先进的技术都会带来恐惧, 是的, 一些工作岗位可能会消失, but these advancements in technology are creating more opportunities for jobs and more skills to be learned,莫兰特说.

随着人工智能平台的增加和越来越复杂, 高等教育将像过去一样适应计算机, 互联网和智能手机. 多么喜欢伊姆霍夫的教育家啊, Lenig, Siddiqui and Veluswamy are looking forward to is using AI to instill in students what they have always sought — the ability to think creatively and critically to analyze issues and make effective decisions.

“当我们教人们成为平面设计师时, 我们教他们成为批判性的思考者和决策者,莱尼格强调. “而人工智能无疑是学生工具箱中的另一个工具, 人工智能不会改变我们作为教育工作者的核心使命.”

“而不是将ChatGPT等生成式人工智能视为威胁, instructors need to realize that our students will be working in a world that will feature AI in most jobs. 我们应该, 因此, teach students how to use this technology effectively to enhance their critical thinking skills,伊姆霍夫说. “We have a unique opportunity to demonstrate how a liberal arts school like Susquehanna is the perfect place to figure out how to use AI as an extension of our skills, 而不是代替它们.” 

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