


浩博体育app’s departments of music and theatre partnered to present two one-act operas for an historic weekend.

Susquehanna的表演 宴请嘉兰 constitutes the first-ever, fully staged production of the opera in the United States, while 假小丑 很少上演,”音乐学院的副教授说 大卫Steinau. “The opportunity to enjoy a fully staged opera — with sets and costumes — is rare for our area, 我们很高兴为我们的地区提供这种独特的体验.”

Andrew Lisk, Ariana Rodi和Luke Rider在宴请嘉兰 Andrew Lisk, Ariana Rodi和Luke Rider《浩博体育app网站》

宴请嘉兰,由英国作曲家埃塞尔·史密斯(Ethel Smyth)于1923年创作 假小丑, 由意大利作曲家吉安·弗朗西斯科·马里皮耶罗于1925年创作, are very different operas unified by the traditional Italian commedia dell’arte acting-troupe characters that appear in both stories. 但相似之处就到此为止了.

“The operas are so contrasting, the first a tragic drama and the second a comedy,” Ariana Rodi, 24岁他来自新泽西州劳伦斯镇,主修音乐表演. “你会被故事缠绕在一起.”

塔里克·坎纳迪24岁来自Selinsgrove的戏剧表演专业的学生说:“宴请嘉兰 is a love story that takes a turn from a happy tale to ‘something real is about to happen.“它充满了神秘和悬念.”

In 假小丑, a woman extends an invitation for the wealthy lords of Italy to win her heart by creating a beautiful melody, 解释了 麦克斯韦·威格达,1924年, a theatre performance and communications double major from Minersville, 宾西法尼亚, 谁扮演了其中一个追求者. 错误的身份导致了一个意想不到的转折和一个幸福的结局 假小丑.

罗迪补充说:“歌词写得太美了. “看到这两个部门合作真是太棒了.”

Both operas were performed with a company of 20 music and theatre students and a full orchestra. The plays were directed and choreographed by Assistant Professor of Theatre 凯文·克罗, and the music was directed by Steinau and conducted by Assistant Professor of Music Zachary Levi.

演出由……赞助 玛丽安·夏托,1967年, who previously donated her collection of Smyth’s works to the Jane Conrad Apple Rare Books Room in Susquehanna’s Blough-Weis Library. 

家庭 & 亲属关系


Syllabus is an ongoing series of stories that gives readers an inside look at some of Susquehanna’s most interesting classes.

John Bodinger de Uriarte坐在办公室里的齐腰照片. 背景是书架上的书. John Bodinger de Uriarte

家庭的定义在不断演变. John Bodinger de Uriarte’s anthropology course 家庭 and 亲属关系 explores family from the first instances of humans all the way to our contemporary times.

“Theories of 亲属关系 are fundamental to the historical trajectory of anthropology,Bodinger de Uriarte说, 人类学教授. “While earlier studies of 亲属关系 may have approached its framework as applicable to all 文化 sites, later understandings have allowed for a wider perspective on how people reckon who is kin and what might determine their respective rights and responsibilities.”

The coursework in this class delves into the intricate structures and functionalities of family and 亲属关系 across various cultures. 它强调了随着时间的推移而发生的变化, 历史和当代, 理解和实践与家庭动态有关, 婚姻, 美国境内的生育和亲属关系. 特别关注的是亲属关系的文化塑造, 身份和区别的确立, 以及围绕繁殖的复杂政治.

Bodinger de Uriarte, 谁教这门课20多年了, updates the material in each iteration of the class to reflect current events. As government policies change concerning issues such as parental rights, 基因检测和辅助生殖技术, 课堂阅读作业也是如此, 博丁格所说的深度是什么, 深思熟虑的,经常挑衅的. 通过从多个角度阅读热点问题, Bodinger de Uriarte hopes students will define for themselves what family means in the modern United States.

“I have learned a wide variety of concepts pertaining to family patterns, 亲属关系, 个人的人口统计数据如何影响他们的体验, 以及社会性, 文化, 状态, 全球和政治力量塑造并改变了家庭和亲属关系,” 艾比·穆尼25岁他来自宾夕法尼亚州的心理学专业.

She also said the course has improved her critical thinking skills and that the concepts discussed in class has helped her form and articulate more knowledgeable opinions and understand the societal issues and 文化 implications that are tied to them.

穆尼计划毕业后攻读临床心理学, and she believes the 家庭 and 亲属关系 course prepared her well for that path.

“From what I have learned and the skills I have developed from this class, I will be able to better understand the socio文化 forces that influence people’s lives,穆尼说, 以及这些力量将如何影响我未来客户的生活, 这样我就能更好地帮助他们了.


乔纳森·格林总统 has been selected to serve on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. 成立于1976年, NAICU serves as the unified voice on public policy issues for the nation’s 1,700年私人, 非营利性院校. 他目前在NAICU的税收政策委员会任职.

Green has also just been named chair of the Annapolis Group and is chair emeritus of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of 宾西法尼亚.

2022年,时任州长的奥巴马当选. Tom Wolf appointed Green to the board of directors of the 宾西法尼亚 Higher Education Assistance Agency, of which he is a member of the executive committee and chairs the nominating committee.


Ka' meron Hopkins 26岁 卡梅隆·霍普金斯,26岁

卡梅隆·霍普金斯,26岁, 奥登顿大学计算机科学专业的学生, 马里兰, has been awarded the prestigious and highly competitive Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship by the U.S. Department of State — one of only 15 awarded annually in the United States.

Hopkins’ interest in the fellowship opportunity stems from his work as an intern with the U.S. 国防部, a position he has held since he was in high school that has generally centered around data engineering and analysis.

“入选FAIT奖学金反映了激烈的竞争, and seeing KaMeron’s dedication acknowledged with this remarkable opportunity fills me with pride,卡罗尔·韦弗说, 历史教授和奖学金顾问协调员. “The journey ahead through the FAIT Fellowship promises transformative experiences that will shape KaMeron’s career path for years to come.”

The FAIT Fellowship provides undergraduate and graduate students in IT-related fields with summer internships at the U.S. 位于华盛顿特区的国务院.C.在美国.S. 大使馆或领事馆, 学费援助, mentorship and professional development to launch their careers in the U.S. 担任外事信息管理专家.

Upon successful completion of the fellowship program and the State Department’s entry requirements, Hopkins will receive an appointment in the Foreign Service as a diplomatic technology officer. He will support and maintain secure and reliable IT tools and resources, 确保国务院, 其他联邦机构, nongovernment partners and Americans overseas can effectively communicate at over 275 overseas posts in nearly 200 countries.

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